
The Contraceptive you Apathetically Took Causes Disease: 4 Intriguing Facts 100 million women today are using the Combined Oral Contraceptive  Pills ( COCP ) to avoid or postpone pregnancy. This has allowed them to further their studies, own more property, get more promotion at work and enjoy stress-free sex. But at what cost? This article shows you why you need to throw away those pills as soon as you finish reading.   1) COCP is Highly Carcinogenic The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies COCP as class 1 carcinogen . The agency is a branch of WHO which deals with cancer. Its advice is paramount. This means COCP, without a doubt, causes cancer in man. Their danger is comparable to asbestos, benzene, and neutron radiation.   2) COCP can Cause Myocardial Infarction The New England Journal of Medicine states that COCP increases your chances of myocardial infarction by 2.5. This means you should fear COCP more than you fear death by heart d
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